Bollywood actor Aditya Pancholi's son Suraj Pancholi actress Zia Khan in Arthur road jail aatmahatya. Arthur road jail to meet Sun's sister in stained Sun. Sun sister says that she is experiencing the best of the situation.
The Sun's sister went to jail Saturday Sun stained was met by his family the good news is that he is both mentally and physically as well.
A friend of the family said Pancholi stained with sheer fear there. but he hopes the feted and believe that his brother would come out of prison soon. his brother also confident about their condition. According to other fellow prisoner friends suddenly come from inexperienced Sun in jail have been keeping their sympathy and violence occurring in prison To his defense.
He said that Sun knows that her father is bewildered by the Sun said that he stained. father that I didn't do anything they are saying that I have to live with the guilt abusing co-star and prissy with an improper. but that is not true. I didn't do anything wrong. I nothing taboo. Meanwhile is believed to be the mother of the police by the Zia The credibility of the six-page letter.
The Sun's sister went to jail Saturday Sun stained was met by his family the good news is that he is both mentally and physically as well.
A friend of the family said Pancholi stained with sheer fear there. but he hopes the feted and believe that his brother would come out of prison soon. his brother also confident about their condition. According to other fellow prisoner friends suddenly come from inexperienced Sun in jail have been keeping their sympathy and violence occurring in prison To his defense.
He said that Sun knows that her father is bewildered by the Sun said that he stained. father that I didn't do anything they are saying that I have to live with the guilt abusing co-star and prissy with an improper. but that is not true. I didn't do anything wrong. I nothing taboo. Meanwhile is believed to be the mother of the police by the Zia The credibility of the six-page letter.