Kabaddi World Cup players in the ongoing Punjab by other tests to deny the United States men's team was on Wednesday banned. Hoshiarpur on Monday, the National Anti-Doping Agency [NADA] the players refused to give their urine samples after the disciplinary action taken on them.
This kind of competition doping - surrounded by controversy after the organizer and the Punjab Sports Department is trapped in the situation. The tournament began three weeks of November. The Punjab government under the supervision of the sports section of the tournament's second annual event. Hoshiarpur American players refused to give samples for tests.
The Times News Network, according to NADA dope test after the heightened tension has sought the safety of his team. NADA NADA chief Rahul Bhatnagar said the tournament had been invited to tests and he did it with reasonable fees. He said the teams and players nationally - internationally recognized kabaddi associations are related to, the responsible associations will be Suchit about dope tests on players, while not recognized, can not do anything about them nada. In this case the Indian Kabaddi Federation president Janardan He said the same thing. Kabaddi Kabaddi tournament on The Circle is based on but in the country is limited to only Punjab and Haryana. He appealed for the recognition of the tournament organizers had given him, which he linked to kabaddi tournament to be approved.
He is not able to make it clear that the selection of the team who did take part in the tournament. He has that organizers. However, controversy is the fact that this tournament and the International Kabaddi Federation affiliated to the International Olympic Committee or not. If you get the Garmanyta how teams can participate. And if not how it can be said and nada Kabaddi World Cup - how it may apply the rules of WADA. Pargat Singh told an international tournament and of course refer to WADA rules, but the 38 players still caught up in dope, one of them also B - Why did not apply to the sample, against all those Nada Why not be the case, it is Anuttarit all questions.
The Times News Network, according to NADA dope test after the heightened tension has sought the safety of his team. NADA NADA chief Rahul Bhatnagar said the tournament had been invited to tests and he did it with reasonable fees. He said the teams and players nationally - internationally recognized kabaddi associations are related to, the responsible associations will be Suchit about dope tests on players, while not recognized, can not do anything about them nada. In this case the Indian Kabaddi Federation president Janardan He said the same thing. Kabaddi Kabaddi tournament on The Circle is based on but in the country is limited to only Punjab and Haryana. He appealed for the recognition of the tournament organizers had given him, which he linked to kabaddi tournament to be approved.
He is not able to make it clear that the selection of the team who did take part in the tournament. He has that organizers. However, controversy is the fact that this tournament and the International Kabaddi Federation affiliated to the International Olympic Committee or not. If you get the Garmanyta how teams can participate. And if not how it can be said and nada Kabaddi World Cup - how it may apply the rules of WADA. Pargat Singh told an international tournament and of course refer to WADA rules, but the 38 players still caught up in dope, one of them also B - Why did not apply to the sample, against all those Nada Why not be the case, it is Anuttarit all questions.