Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Carries On Shoulder

Madhav Kaushik's ghazals and poems by the great feature is that the common man is able to maintain its near Rabta. These poems are similar in their misrepresentation is convinced that the 'your my - everybody "is talking about, your bid - it is the loyalty of his pen in Bani -''pen lift lantern memories Jlaun / slow heart The deep / Knderaon Utrun down / and time to bring proofs of the truth.''him''the great devotion to mountain / walking forced to make.''commitment is circulated. All odds of life in her conviction that if a person is whether the new César Sirj, Bhumdliy conditions to assess the 'city Nks' takes in a poem. Madhav Kaushik is huge canopy of these latest poems, these micro-Sthitia of love, love the heat and ujas, real pain, no other pain, basil Virve nourishes the mother, Duryodhana - C conceited power, Pacali - C helpless people, justice sows the seeds of darkness down to the sun, etc. What is the Jivnanubvon image of the conc.