The fan of the South superstar rajnikanth Shah Rukh Khan who tell Chennai express release prior to release a video, in which he he in honor of Lungi, she did this video dance is the Chennai express only hit u tube and social networking site Twitter on its brilliant discussion. the interesting thing is that King Khan Deepika without wearing a Lungi, she dances with Lungi, she.
In this video, Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Yo-Yo honey Singh songs are thicker on the way he dance course closures. video in the background behind Rajni's individual photos used this video release of the tour King Khan on Twitter. be released as Shah Rukh, tweet about it didTweet it fun and interesting, people began to come in the top trends and Lungi, she dances.
A tweet, "Bollywood is behind the Brasserie last up to 20 years from Lungi, she dances in the case of IQ long plunge." a second Tweet that winged King Khan's Lungi, she will perform the dance the dance of the SAF pungi pungi. people are complaining that even on Twitter with Khan and Deepika both Lungi, she doesn't dance in Lungi, she wore the video. in the past 24 hours and a half at Lungi, she dance There have been more than a thousand Tweet while you tube video to be released within hours of it about 50 thousand people.
The kampoj this song honey Singh and Shah Rukh Khan are both rajnikanth's fan so both work on it. "I say, ' Shah Rukh Deepika Padukone also asked to be part of this song he was ready right away because she is also the big fan Rajni Sir enjoy, have fun and complete songs he is styled" the way Shahrukh have proved that they even before he's fan In his film raw forest; he has been keeping well despite a small special roll.
In this video, Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Yo-Yo honey Singh songs are thicker on the way he dance course closures. video in the background behind Rajni's individual photos used this video release of the tour King Khan on Twitter. be released as Shah Rukh, tweet about it didTweet it fun and interesting, people began to come in the top trends and Lungi, she dances.
A tweet, "Bollywood is behind the Brasserie last up to 20 years from Lungi, she dances in the case of IQ long plunge." a second Tweet that winged King Khan's Lungi, she will perform the dance the dance of the SAF pungi pungi. people are complaining that even on Twitter with Khan and Deepika both Lungi, she doesn't dance in Lungi, she wore the video. in the past 24 hours and a half at Lungi, she dance There have been more than a thousand Tweet while you tube video to be released within hours of it about 50 thousand people.
The kampoj this song honey Singh and Shah Rukh Khan are both rajnikanth's fan so both work on it. "I say, ' Shah Rukh Deepika Padukone also asked to be part of this song he was ready right away because she is also the big fan Rajni Sir enjoy, have fun and complete songs he is styled" the way Shahrukh have proved that they even before he's fan In his film raw forest; he has been keeping well despite a small special roll.