A young man working in a BPO Gurgaon against former Miss India Ekta Choudhary has filed a case of it act. He accused youth unity hack mail ID on Facebook created a bogus account of his name. "through which it is in contact with people and tell themselves close to the former Miss India expediency.
In 2009 Miss India has left DLF phase II Gurgaon unity s Chaudhry in October 2012 Gurgaon Police Commissioner he ten. this complaint with regard to investigating cyber crime cell. whose was assigned to check the name of the accused.. Police Commissioner Alok Mittal, Manish Verma, a person that pharjivada. which sector 56 and DLF golf course in race-based BPO According to the cyber crime cell is Police Commissioner after investigation of DLF phase of the it act to police station on Thursday night entered. case officer in charge of securing wockhardt phase station Inspector development pointed out that the accused will be arrested soon.
In 2009 Miss India has left DLF phase II Gurgaon unity s Chaudhry in October 2012 Gurgaon Police Commissioner he ten. this complaint with regard to investigating cyber crime cell. whose was assigned to check the name of the accused.. Police Commissioner Alok Mittal, Manish Verma, a person that pharjivada. which sector 56 and DLF golf course in race-based BPO According to the cyber crime cell is Police Commissioner after investigation of DLF phase of the it act to police station on Thursday night entered. case officer in charge of securing wockhardt phase station Inspector development pointed out that the accused will be arrested soon.