Item girl Rakhi Sawant will now be seen hosting a chat show 'Gajab Desh Ki Ajab Kahaaniyaan' on Imagine TV. Produced by UTV, 'Gajab Desh Ki Ajab Kahaaniyaan', is a showcase of strange stories that highlight the wacky lives and strange beliefs that exist in India. "The show will bring together the funniest stories from across the country; stories that will leave you holding your tummy in laughter and your head in disbelief!" said a channel spokesperson. "Ever heard of a man who has not taken bath for 37 years, or two families who combat each other and use ghosts as their weapons, or a woman who prefers to stay perched on a cell phone tower for days, to avoid getting married to a man her parents chose!" said the spokesperson. As the host of the show, Rakhi will bring these stories to the viewers in her trademark, over-the-top style. "I am elated to be back at doing what I do best - Entertain! My audience loves me and so do I. This time I will be the baap of host of all shows, where you will witness some of the most bizarre incidents that will sure leave you shell-shocked and rolling on the floor in splits of laughter. All I can say is 'It Happens only in India'," said Rakhi. Speaking on the launch of the show, Mr. Santosh Nair, CEO, TV Content, UTV said, "Rakhi is definitely the ideal choice for the host, someone who will bring in an element of humor and entertainment, in her own unique style!" |
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Friday, July 29, 2011
Rakhi Sawant To A Chat Show
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sonu Nigam And Britney Spears Join Hands
Sonu Nigam, a name to reckon with in the world music fraternity, can be best described as someone with raw energy, startling talent and a performer par excellence. And this time he has done it again by collaborating with none other than the youth icon of today and the singer of 'Baby one more time', the mesmerizing Britney Spears. It's the fusion of east meeting west with an Indian touch to it. The song is called iI Wanna Goi. And is a current chart topper on the international charts. Sonu, who's currently shooting for a video in Leh and Ladakh, told us that he had kept this news under wraps as he wanted Britney and her management to announce it. This is Britney's personal album and she's very passionate about it. To Sonu's utter surprise, Britney decided to send a personalised tweet to Sonu praising his rendition and that he's taken the song to a different level. This is by far the biggest ever collaboration between two singers of America and India feels 'Desi-hits', the people responsible for this collaboration. Sonu has personally composed and written his bits in the song and Dj Lloyd has worked on the grooves. So after 'This is it' with Jermaine Jackson that hit the market just recently, this is Sonu's second International release in a month. |
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