Girls, yet another handsome young man has tied the knot. Star Indian boxer Vijender Singh today wed his sweetheart Delhi-girl Archana Singh. According to news agency reports - The marriage was solemnised at the Delhi Flying Club and was attended by the family and friends of the 25-year-old boxer, who is India's first Olympic and World Championships medallist. He claimed bronze medals in both these events. Even though the family perfers to call the wedding a low key affair, the guest list included Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, BJP MP Shahnawaz Hussain, former Union Minister Captain Satish Sharma, Indian Boxing Federation chief Abhay Singh Chautala and national boxing coach G S Sandhu The couple will host a reception at Vijender's native village Kaluwas in Bhiwani. And that, according to reports will be a gala event. Vijender wore a cream sherwani - we heard it was by Manav Gangwani -for the occasion while his software engineer bride was dressed in a red sari designed by Tarun Tahiliani. Archana hails from Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh and works with the British High Commission in the capital. For Vijender she is the most beautiful woman in the world. He opens up in a chat with Times of India. |
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Vijender Singh Ties The Knot
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